The contents of this website should not be taken as legal or accounting advice. Worker Cooperatives are encouraged to get their own professional legal counsel and accounting advice tailored to their specific situation.
Some of what is proposed will likely conflict with various legal and accounting statues. These may include but are not limited to: employment law, securities law, and generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The proposals also create a number of ambiguous situations regarding tax law both at the individual level and at the coop level with respect to Subchapter T.
The proposals also conflict with the cooperative values, particularly the third value which says profits are distributed in proportion to member economic participation, or in the case of worker cooperative that profits are distributed solely in proportion to labor.
This information is free to use in any form, with or without modifications. If your coop finds this information useful please consider sharing your experience. I will be adding a case studies section for those coops that are willing to have their experience shared publicly. And for those that are willing to share privately it can help refine the application and implementation of the theory.
That being said, hopefully the information here will help your worker cooperative grow and thrive. There is certainly a big cooperative principles and values discussion to be has as well as a lot of experimenting to do to determine what works and what doesn’t. But this site should provide a clearer strategic direction of where we need to go.
This is a working website so the pages will be updated as new concepts are understood, technical details are figured out, and errors are corrected.